Why Yuka is the Best Health App

Trixie Torres
3 min readJun 8, 2022


Photo by Andy Makely on Unsplash

What’s Yuka?

Yuka is a health app that launched in France in 2017 and is now available in the US market. Yuka rates and provides detailed information to help you understand the analysis of each product you buy. It covers over 2 million types of foods and cosmetic care products. It’s the most sophisticated and easiest product scanner I’ve ever used.

How to use Yuka

To use Yuka, first, you’ll need to download it. You can do so by entering this URL in your smartphone’s browser: https://yuka.io/app. It’s totally free but you can always upgrade to member access for other features, either way, the free option works just as great!

Using Yuka is as easy as this:

  • Open the app
  • Tap on the scan button at the bottom
  • Your screen will display the camera and scanner
  • Focus it on a product (barcode) and it will automatically scan

If you can’t find your product, Yuka also offers a search function if the product uses an alternate form of identification (usually a lengthy number combination), so you can still use it to research all your favorite products!

Immediate & Nutritional Results

Once you’ve selected and scanned your item, Yuka automatically loads the barcode and it’ll immediately pull up the results. The best part about this app is that it’s super easy and will display the breakdown of each ingredient.

Yuka’s provides nutritional results and you don’t have to be a health expert or a licensed nutritionist to read the results. They are pretty simple to read and the breakdowns are not rocket science.

The results are displayed on a numerical scale. Anything less than 50 is most likely a product that is unhealthy or harmful to your body. The product score for foods is based on three things: the nutritional value, the additives, and the organic nature of the product. For cosmetic items, the score value is made up of the ingredients contained in the product. All you really need to do is look for the rating score and any red flags. It’s that easy!

It Offers Healthier Alternatives

With Yuka, you won’t feel overwhelmed with information, if another product is better for your health it will suggest it!

For example, if you’re at the grocery store looking for a new vegan milk option, you can scan two different options. Then Yuka will tell you which one is better based on the rating and ingredient scale. Once you’ve read the analysis of the product, you can decide which option is best for your health.

If you’re looking to eat healthier or trying to be mindful of your personal products but aren’t sure where to start, Yuka is a great place to begin. It’s easy and fun to use — just open up the app and get scanning!

Yuka Gets Smarter

Yuka gets better at finding products that it thinks you’ll like and it will learn your taste in food and offer new product suggestions based on your previous ratings. The more frequently you use Yuka, the more it gets to know your personal habits.

The app also lets you filter by different “families” of information (such as allergens), allowing for greater customization of the information displayed by the scanner.

Yuka will also get better at presenting relevant information. For example, if I’m looking for something with less sugar, I can set Yuka to only show me products that meet that criteria. After using these filters a few times, Yuka will start suggesting products that meet my preferences automatically — without me having to search for them myself.

Yuka Makes a Difference!

Next time you’re shopping, pull out your phone and open up the Yuka app (you’ll be glad you did!). Now all you have to do is scan a product before adding it to your cart, and let Yuka work its magic.

If there are any red flags about the ingredients or nutrition of the product, Yuka will be sure to let you know before you buy it — as well as suggest some healthier options that may be more appropriate for your health needs. Yuka will make finding healthier and safer products easier than ever before!



Trixie Torres

Wife, Dog mom, and Jesus lover. Health, Nutrition, holistic health, mental health, wellness, lifestyle, travel, nature, and cooking.